The website has been arranged by
Bernhard Gerth
Ewald Gerth, Gontardstr. 130, D-14471 Potsdam, Germany
Telephone: +49 331 973826
E-Mail: ewald-gerth@t-online.de
Responsible for the content: Dr. rer. nat. habil. Ewald Gerth
Reference to the authorship:
The texts of the articles placed on the website are mostly published
in journals and proceedings of symposia and conferences. Therefore,
the copyright is protected automatically.
The protection from excerpting and illegal using is demanded by the author
also for texts in the stage of manuscripts, which will be submitted later
to journals for publication.
The manner of publication is quoted in a footnote on the first page.
Copying for personal and scientific use is allowed with quoting the
authors homepage.
Appearance: The homepage is a matter of change and completion by
the author.